Today was the big day for Cooper...the day we see how well he's growing and to get his little "snip-snip". I wanted to run him far, far away and keep him from this trauma, but it will only be some surgery he'll have to get later in life when he'll hate it even more, so I pulled myself together, loaded him up with Tylenol and hit the road. Thankfully, Lil watched Thomas, so we didn't have to worry about him as well. That was a blessing for the morning.
8 pounds, 3 ounces-up from his 7 pounds, 3 ounces he was when we left the hospital. 20 and a quarter inches
However much Mommy Guilt I feel about it, Cooper has put on a pound instead of losing weight since joining this world, and I believe it has to do with the extra food I give him when he's unsatisfied with my milk. It makes it much more bearable for me to give in and supplement, knowing that he's growing and not having any of the weight loss and jaundice that Thomas faced his first few weeks. Although you'd think he's already grown by his latest measurement, in fact they are much more accurate with his length measurement, and they have him at 20 and a quarter instead of the 19.5 that he was at the hospital.
Today was rough for Cooper, and although his first two weeks have been relatively quiet, calm and sleepy, the snip-snip today brought him to life with gusto. Tonight John and I took the night in shifts, as I knew that I needed some sleep or I would fall apart. Thankfully I got about 4 hours of solid sleep and took over my shift at 2 am. At 2:30 am, holding Cooper on the couch in a sleep-deprived haze, I heard the telltale sounds of a rousing Thomas coming from his room. Sure enough, much to my horror, out comes a tousled hair, blinking TT, dragging his pillow and dubbies in tow. I put a crying Cooper down on the floor, and quickly ushered Thomas into bed with John, hoping to keep him somewhat asleep, knowing John had just gone to bed himself. An hour later, after climbing over John, playing with his face, and generally doing his best to wake John up, Thomas gave up and shuffled out at 3:30 am. I wanted to cry, as Cooper was just trying to settle down and I had a fantasy of catching a nap on the couch. Not to be. I tried to coax Thomas back to bed, but soon realized it wasn't to be. How could he go to sleep when Mommy and Cooper were partying it up on the couch without him. I tried to shut my eyes while Tommy watched El Dorado at 4:30 am, but that was not to be, either, as Tommy kept up a steady drumming with his feet on his crib slats for the entire movie. At 5:30 I agreed he could come out of his room and join us anyway, as I'd given up on getting any rest with a crying Cooper and energetic Thomas. It was just easier to admit defeat, cuddle with the boys on the couch, try to comfort Cooper and console myself with the hope that tomorrow night I can find some sleep.