If you're ever looking for a country bar in the middle of nowhere between Seattle and the Canadian border, don't even think about stopping at Blazing Saddles in the heart of Stanwood. Apparently the looks of a nice camera and a couple of flashes are enough to make the near-rabid owner threaten acts of violence against his paying customers. As if getting John to agree to arrange for the night off to go on a date with me to see yet another concert wasn't hard enough (and at a place called Blazing Saddles no less). Before Eric Church even took to the stage John was threatening mutiny, and once I found out what was said to him, Blazing Saddles should be thankful the fine police officers of Stanwood weren't called in to break up the booze-fest inside. I'm sure that even in the haze of a drunken stupor, the patrons on this night would have been wary to see the owner questioned by the men in uniform.
So, because John's camera actually looks cool, there aren't any shots of this concert. It was a lot of fun meeting and chatting with the sound man, Brent, who has been in the industry a while and had a very cool story to share while I waited for hours for the rest of the entourage to show up. I secretly stalked the band from the front seat of the Pilot, trying valiantly to hide behind my hat and steering wheel as I waited in the parking lot (whatever happened to busses being hidden behind baracades and big, bad security dudes?!!!) Berg practiced his country line dancing moves for the crowd in full country attire, and realized that he's just not the stage-hugger type (Eric, can I have your babies?!!!!). Summer caressed the back and side of the man of the night and John protected her from boobs and rhinestones to her right (Eric, can I have your baby?!!!!). Andrea almost passed out, but from the story she tells it wasn't from the incense on stage left fumigating the front of the stage, the site of Eric bustin' moves in tight jeans directly in front of her, or the bum gas from someone way too close to us. Berg shared beer with the big dude dancing the night away and I yet again thoroughly enjoyed myself with good friends and a sister who somehow managed to run away not once, but twice to hear great music.
With a concert theme going here.....
I would like to dedicate this night to Lil and Bruce, who braved teething Cooper and exhausted Thomas to let us run away again.
I would also like to dedicate this night to my parents, who risked life and limb to watch Andrea's kids until they could return the next morning.
I would also like to dedicate this night to my friend Kim, who willingly gave up her free night off to work the pager tonight for John. We owe you guys!
I don't really know if our parents can ever truly be repaid for what these nights "off" really mean to us. It is a break that cannot be measured and gets us through the darkest of nights, the sleeplessness and the longest of days. Without you, these amazing breaks wouldn't be possible.