Friday, September 25, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
End of the first week of Kindergarten
After a few days in which Tommy needed a little extra attention from Ms. Hubner to keep the tears at bay, John started making sure Tommy walked up early to school with his neighbor buddy, Tiago, and they played for a few minutes before the bell rang to announce the beginning of the day. This seemed to work, and although Tommy admitted being sad a bit, he was very excited to tell us on Thursday and Friday's pick up that he had no tears today! Ahhhh....let's hope this little blip is over and done with.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
3rd Day of Kindergarten-Tears
Today, I was able to walk Tommy up to school. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, and I was eager to see him in action. However, it was like pulling a sack of flour on the way up. He was clearly dragging this morning, and when we entered the school yard, his eyes were full of tears and he was pulling on me..backwards. "I'm scared, Mama," he said. I pulled out all the encouragement I could possibly think of as we slowly made our way towards the building. It was so hard. By the time we lined up with his other classmates, he was trying to hide between my legs and was clutching at my legs. He was fighting tears too hard, and it was crushing me. "Let's just go back home," he said, tears brimming. Ms. Hubner saw it all, and was quick to come over to him and take his hand. I hugged him goodbye, then peeled him off, allowing Ms. Hubner to take over and draw him in. He didn't look back, and for that I am thankful. I turned, and I could barely breathe. I just wanted to go get him, to take him with me, to hold him and never let him go. I started walking, fighting tears, trying to breathe, praying that no mother or teacher would see me almost losing it. Deep breaths as I headed outside. I was instantly aware of the moment my own mother took me to school for the first time. I knew what she felt, that heartbreaking moment when you have to leave your child behind, crying, at school, hoping for the best, hoping that he would be able to recover.
Oh, and I had my work clothes on and had to go to work...lovely.
Report from him at pick up was that he had a great day. Jenny reported in that the kids said they saw him throughout the morning and he looked happy and was smiling. I have my spies, Tommy. As you get older, don't forget that, buddy! He told me himself that he didn't get the corndog he was looking forward to for lunch. Drat those first and second graders!
Tonight at tuck in her said, "Mom, I miss Teacher Kathy." I know buddy. We all miss Teacher Kathy. I realize he had no idea what was coming his way. He didn't realize what changes were about to take place in his life, the differences, the "big" stuff of elementary school. I imagine he's overwhelmed, more than we thought. Teacher Kathy assessed him as a "shy, serious, quiet boy". We don't know that Thomas, but that Thomas must be trying to process all that is around him right now, and I pray for his little spirit in the days to come.
Oh, and I had my work clothes on and had to go to work...lovely.
Report from him at pick up was that he had a great day. Jenny reported in that the kids said they saw him throughout the morning and he looked happy and was smiling. I have my spies, Tommy. As you get older, don't forget that, buddy! He told me himself that he didn't get the corndog he was looking forward to for lunch. Drat those first and second graders!
Tonight at tuck in her said, "Mom, I miss Teacher Kathy." I know buddy. We all miss Teacher Kathy. I realize he had no idea what was coming his way. He didn't realize what changes were about to take place in his life, the differences, the "big" stuff of elementary school. I imagine he's overwhelmed, more than we thought. Teacher Kathy assessed him as a "shy, serious, quiet boy". We don't know that Thomas, but that Thomas must be trying to process all that is around him right now, and I pray for his little spirit in the days to come.
2nd Day of Kindergarten
Although Tommy was a bit disgruntled that he wouldn't be able to go to school over the weekend, today brought a little different story than Friday's sunny report. I had to leave very early for work, so John took Tommy to school. Tommy was not as excited today, and fought tears when it was time for John to leave. Jamie picked him up and he was great, and when I checked in with his teacher tonight she said she didn't even think about notifying me as he recovered so quickly. I can only pray that this is just a small blip.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
First day of Kindergarten

Today was a great day! Tommy was so excited to go, and last night we found out that he would be in Ms. Hubner's class. Tommy hasn't talked much about this day all summer, but last night he was eager to get ready, even putting together his backpack and wearing it around the house. It was packed with school supplies and he was ready to go.
We walked up all together, Bruce and Lil, Coop in the stroller and Susan, Tiago and Tommy walking together, Stephanie and Jessica following. Later tonight, Jenny said that a friend of hers had watched us all come into the school, and for all the cameras and hoopla, she would have thought there was a celebrity coming with the paparazzi! It was a great time, though, and so wonderful to walk up with our new friends and have the kids so excited to go up to school. After a confusing time trying to figure out where we were supposed to line up, where to pay for lunch, that sort of thing, we finally made it to his side of the building. We walked in and the room was swarming with other families and flashes of cameras. What an exciting day, and Cooper made himself just as comfortable as Tommy did. I helped Tommy pull out all of his supplies for the table, then headed through the crowd to find his table seat. From there he drew a self portrait for a few minutes. Finally, Ms. Hubner called for the kids to get ready to say goodbye. Tommy had no trouble at all, quickly getting up and hugging us all goodbye. Walking out was pure joy for me. He was happy, well adjusted, and enjoying himself. What a perfect beginning!
We went up a bit early and managed to spy on him while he was getting lunch. How cute it was to see him standing in line, trying to figure out how this lunch stuff all works. We couldn't help but smile as we watched him picking out his lunch, holding his tray, silly things like that...that are such big guy things. How tiny he used to be, how sweet and precious...and now he is such a big boy! I pray much, much more today than I did yesterday. I pray for his heart, I pray for his strength, I pray that the foundation we have started is enough as he starts this journey...and I pray that the Lord keeps him safe each and every step along the way.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
First day of Pre-school!

Taking Cooper out for his first day of preschool was a family affair. Tommy, Dad and Mom all helped getting Cooper ready for his day! He even carried his little snack pack (no snack inside!), and was heading out the door even before breakfast we started.
Walking into the building again was surreal. I can vividly remember strolling in to Catch The Son with Tommy for the first time. Nervous, worried, anxious...
With Cooper...not so much! He walked into the place like he owned it, totally confident, eager and excited to be there. He could barely stand to take a picture, and these grouchy shots are because we were hassling him to stop long enough to take a shot. He walked right into class and got to work, busily moving from project to project. Tommy called out to him again and again, Bye, Cooper!" but Cooper totally ignored him. I got a brief kiss goodbye, but he was much more into the art he was about to work on. It was a great, great way to start off 2 day preschool.
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