This birthday weekend was full of legos, fun with cousins Emma and Grace, a BBQ and beach party with friends, and Sunday filled with....Grandpa and Grandma's gift of a go-cart! John's present of a BMX bike was almost lost in the excitement of multiple sets of legos! John and I find the memories of Tommy's birth and baby-hood are strong this year. For some reason, 6 is just hard to wrap my mind around. No longer even a little boy. A genuine BOY. He told us multiple times that this was the best, most awesome, so get the idea. Tonight we culminated the big weekend with a small dinner at Red Robin, just the four of us. He wanted the Red Robin crew to sing, then shyly barely held up the sundae they presented to him. Cooper clapped and clapped right along, a huge grin on his face for his brother.
How thankful for this little boy we are. What an amazing piece of our life he is. How special, how life changing he was to us six years ago. What better parents he forces us to be. The enormous amount of love that I have for him came on so unexpectedly six years ago and has exploded since. He is our pride and joy.