Better pictures to come but here's a sample.
Today, after much waiting and anticipation, John was able to put the Pilot into the shop and let the mechanics have their way with it. A lot is riding on this inspection, as this is the only car we're considering at this time. We have until next week to find a car, and then our rental ghetto-wagon Ford piece of junk van is GONE! I'd like to throw a hunk of dirt on it's coffin when it's trashed in the heap of garbage metal, that's for sure! No love lost between me and ghetto-van, to say the least. But, I digress....I came home from work and John got the call to come to the shop. He was gone a while and when he returned I was distracted by my desire to finally get in the shower after a work/gym funk molding on my body. John took Thomas outside though, and before I could even start for the gym, they were back and Thomas was saying, "new car mommy" "new car, mommy" and "up, up" "out" "out". He led me upstairs, all the while looking behind to see if I was indeed following him. Stopping once to show me his pickup truck outside, we braved the cold as I followed to the garage. Once inside, I was floored. There, in all it's glory, was our new Honda Pilot. Total shock! I thought John just went to pay for the inspection and I was under the impression that it would take at least until late next week to get the financing in order if the inspection went well. I didn't even get to see the car in person. I just took John's word for it, knowing he would make a good decision. What a fabulous surprise for all of us! Hmmmm...seems like this was a planned surprise, and what a wonderful surprise it was!
Tonight we just had to take it for a ride, so we headed to Costco to gas it up, over to the grocery store to stock up and then take out at our favorite Thai place. We are so blessed with this wonderful rig. Goodbye ghetto-wagon!
Tonight, Thomas is running around the house with a huge Tonka truck, calling "billy's bonco" billy's bonco!" John remarked that he is so cute running around naked, them flopping into his big beanbag, wrapping himself up in his Lion King blanket and snuggling in for his movie time. He called for "Stitch" but when John told him it was up in the new car, he thought about it for a minute before calling for "Lion." Thomas was pretty whiny this afternoon that I associate with either a molar coming in or the remnants of his cold (or maybe he has cabin fever with this horrible cold weather that hit us) and he's pretty attached to one of us hanging out with him. He'll say "mommy's truck" and hold out a toy he's chosen for us, or he'll say "mommy's engine" and push a train to me. "Mommy's aht-wod" (hot rod car) or "Mommy, pway nommy" or "Nommy holding"
or Nommy hold" meaning he wants to be held. He doesn't want to be alone, and when grandma comes down to drop off the mail, chat or touch base, he's really clingy and starts to cry. This morning he was fascinated with the word soccer, and said it over and over, all the while holding a ball and walking around with it. Tonight he said, "Mommy, go up, nommy" and wanted to go upstairs and play. It's amazing how his vocabulary is out of control, and impossible to document all his words and phrases he says.
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