The other day, while waiting in line for the light to change green, Thomas calls out, "oh, lookie, a firetruck, mommy!" I looked, only seeing a recycling truck near us, and said, "Oh, yeah, a firetruck?" There was a pause, then, "oh, no....act-ly, garbage truck." I was stunned. Did my just turned two year old just use the word actually? And in a correct sentence?!! You've got to be kidding me. His vocabulary is stunning these days and we find ourselves just looking at each other and smiling. Today he told his grandpa, "That really hot, though" regarding the tea pot they were talking about. "Be really sad about it," he continued in a very serious voice. Did he really use the word though correctly? Yep, and again I was watching him with my mouth hanging open.
The last several times going to the gym, I've had a talk with him before going in. He doesn't like circle time, and who can blame him? It's a bunch of other kids, sitting with their parent in a circle, singing a song and learning to stretch. Come on! He's got so much better to do with his limited gym time. There's ropes to hang from, trampolines to jump on, balance beams to climb and walk across, and bouncing floors to fly across. Don't you dare tell him he's gotta sit and sing some silly song and try to touch his toes! Well, both times I had a talk about trying to pay attention and be good for circle time, and amazing as it is, we've had two sessions now where he hasn't spent circle time crying, carrying on and trying to bolt for the door. I'm so impressed. Over and over I'm hearing the same statements from people. "Wow, he has a lot of energy." "Does he ever stop?" "He's all boy, isn't he?" "How old is he?'' " He's so big!" "He's talking?"
It's funny, because I know nothing else....well, I do know that we have friends who haven't had to put childproof their cabinet (they have girls) their kids sit and play tea parties, etc. Thomas is all boy, and loves everyone to know it. He's sweet, he a great boy, and he loves to go, go go! He is finally minding us when we say stop, and he is very easy to reason with when we're talking things through. I also realized the other night that he's saying Grandpa and Grandma very clearly now. How long has it been since we were hearing "Bah-pah"? Bruce says it's been weeks. I think we're talking 3-4 weeks.
He says things like, "OH! Lookie that!" with much drama and awe. Everything is very demonstrative and said with wonder in his voice. When I go to get him up in the morning, he's saying, "Tommy waking up." "Mommy go office." And if I'm in my workout clothes, he'll say, "Mommy go running." "Mommy go office." "Mommy go doctor."
"That hurts!" "Mommy, Tommy in nest." "Mommy, feed me in nest." "Tommy no like it." "Go choo-choo store, NOW!" "No want gelato nigh-nigh." "Tommy play cars one minute" (with fingers held up to show one minute). "Daddy, polar dip you."