Thursday, June 15, 2006

Silverwood Trip 2006 Day 2

I remember John looking out of our room window and turning back to look at me. I didn't even need words to know the story. No, it was not to be. And yet, to our great relief, it was NOT raining, which would have ended the trip right there. We fueled up for the day at the fabulous lobby breakfast, then bundled up for what was sure to be a cold, yet un-rainy day at the park. Drew, Mom and Dad rode out with us earlier than the rest, and it was fun to have Drew be our first rider in the 3rd row. What a great boy Drew is! It was fun to have them all with us as we made our way inside together. I'm not quite sure which rides Drew got to go on, as I was too busy chasing after Thomas, who this year can ride all the rides in the kiddy area. It was so much fun to ride the huge Ferris Wheel together (with seatbelts this year!), take several rides on the flying elephants and then sit back and watch him tackle the helicopters and plane by himself. I was thankful when Jacob joined in on the fun where we could stand back and watch the kids ride together. My took at turn on the elephants too, and Dad joined in on the kiddie rollercoaster, as did John, Andrea and myself. Dad and John took the kids on the log ride, and Drew and John took in a big rollercoaster. Grace, bless her heart, handled it like a champ. I never heard that girl cry once on the entire trip, and let me tell you, there were times I wanted to shed a few tears, whether it be from hunger or just plain cold, or maybe after one too many flying elephant spins. What a little angel she was! After ice cream, bad chicken strips, a trip around the park in the train and a shopping excursion along the way, the guys finally hit the water park. Unfortunately, it was a quick stop, as although the weather was cold and windy, the water wasn't heated. Freezing!

We headed back to hang out with the kids in the heated indoor pools again, and that was a great time. Mom was even able to watch Thomas for us while we went down a few of the rides ourselves. It's amazing how easily a few minutes of play time will instantly take you back in time. Thomas was complaining of a tummy ache by this time, and while we'd hoped it was just the last carousel ride of the night that caused it, this wasn't looking good, either. By bedtime he was quite hot. John ran out for KFC and Subway for late dinner, and we headed for bed, hoping of the best. By 2 am, Thomas was crying with stomach cramps and had diarhea, AND he was burning up. Nope, not the carousel this time. By 4 am John ran out to the all night grocery store for Tylenol and a thermometer, as I can handle the poops and even stomach cramps. Frying my kids brain with an undetermined fever was not going to happen. I slept better knowing it was just 101.5, but we only got a few hours of sleep all night anyway, so it was little consolation....and we still had to make it home with a sick boy.

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