Thomas is discovering his emotions and figuring out how to use them. It only took 2 and a half years to hear it, but the other day he pulled my face close to his and said, "I love you, Mommy, love you much." Of course, today he said, "My new shirt, Mommy. Mommy bought it. I love my new shirt," and proceeded to kiss his new train shirt. John has not missed out, either. While out walking in the neighborhood Thomas kept kissing and hugging John, saying, "I love you, Daddy, " and continuing to smooch on him. Another emotion he's figuring out how to use is "I'm scared" when he wants to try to get out of something. He'll run away and say, "I'm scared," and hope somehow you'll forget about whatever it is you're trying to tell him or get him to do. He couldn't get out of the furnace room the other morning and I heard this frantic voice calling for me over and over. When I opened the door he barreled out and launched into my arms, crying, "Me scared, Mommy! Me scared," sobbing and clinging to me. He's quick to tell us how happy he is, which is often and quite sweet. Two weeks ago Grandma Lil told him it was time to take his nap. To which he replied, "That not good idea, Grandma." Did he take a nap that day? Nope! It wasn't a good idea.
He is such a complete joy to be with. A complete joy!
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