Today, when Thomas came in to wake me up, I asked him if the snow was still outside. He replied, "Ofcourse!" He clearly has not been around enough to realize the crazy weather that Whatcom County brings on at times. But yes, the piles of snow stuck around through the night, the mayor declared a Snow Emergency, and most business and places of work in town were closed due to the incredible storm. Listening to the radio to see what was happening outside, we found that John was also on a snow day, and we eagerly looked forward to the day.
We were also able to find out that traffic had stalled from Snohomish County all the way up to the Canadian border, with traffic sitting outside Lake Samish for up to 5 hours just to make it to Bellingham. That is normally at 15 minute drive? Maybe?!! Downed trees across the highway and a jackknifed semi truck were to blame. I'm so thankful John pulled a little 4 wheel drive and got us off when he did. We were stranded for about two hours in it, but it would have been so much worse.
We enjoyed the day of sledding at the school and over at Grandma Bernice's house.
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