After much thought, deliberation and a bit of prayer, John's enthusiasm won out and we headed for Canada. Bruce and Lil once again corraled Thomas for the afternoon and evening, giving us a welcome night out together, which was such a blessing.
The night belongs to John, though. After braving the cold outside Pacific Coliseum, John raced through security checkpoint #1 (the body search) and was roadblocked at the stairwell leading down to the floor. By the time I caught up, he was racing down the stairwell and jumping the divider to security checkpoint #2 (ticket check #2) where he was FIRST to get a floor General Admission bracelet allowing access to the floor. I briefly saw him, but was trying to avoid falling after multiple pushes from the teenybopper white teeshirt brigade squealing and pushing their way to the front of the line. By the time I had my own bracelet, he had passed through security checkpoint #3 (bracelet check) and was FIRST to the stage, amazingly securing not only front row but CENTER STAGE, exactly where we were hoping to be. I'll tell you, this whole thing has been a blast to experience. After all the concerts we've been to, to be blessed with three front row shows has been unbelievable. To have John enjoying the whole thing made the night so much more great, and without his excitement, I would have baled and pushed Andrea to take the tickets. Being in the front row is crazy. It's the absolute best. It's great to be able to see all the action, to be that close to the artist, to see all that goes on up there. Unfortunately, it's also very strange. Although John and Dierks bonded over a shared Bud Light in Everett and a tossed drumstick in Vancouver, plus numerous high fives (some stolen from my outstretched hand), I really have no interest in actually touching the man, caressing his leg, petting his boots, collecting his sweat drips, or climbing the back of someone in front of me just to get a brief touch. Numerous times, as Dierks leaned over me to touch hands of those behind me, I was inches from his body, and could not dare look up for fear of looking directly at inappropriate areas of his body. John and I had to laugh as we hugged the stage to allow others behind us to reach up to the stage, letting those behind us get a chance that we were obviously passing up. I kinda felt guilty in a way for not participating in this love fest, as if it is somehow expected that I'd be swooning at his feet, which were inches from my face a lot of the night. John was busy snapping shots of his thumb next to his boot, turning around to get a shot of his body inches from Dierks, and the like. It was so much fun, and I have a hard time believing we will ever again have such a great concert experience. I enjoyed spending time with John without worrying about Thomas, enjoyed our time having fun at this show, and truly appreciated all the work he went to in making this a very memorable night with Dierks!
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