I may jinx myself for even harboring the thoughts. Some sleep fairy will come in and wave the magic wand to destroy this perfect fantasy. And moms everywhere would think I'm just plain silly to think it such a big deal. But to me, it is truly a small miracle.
Cooper slept from 9 pm until 5:15 am last night! (Wild applause!)
One of the main reasons we waited to have another baby was the fact that for such a long chunk of time we were incredibly sleep deprived. For those who have gone without, you know what I'm talking about. It is one thing to lose a night here or there. Maybe a month or two to get a new baby adjusted. I read books, I consulted online know-it-alls, all which told me my precious bundle of joy would sleep through the night at 6 weeks, then 8 weeks, then three months.....all LIES I tell you, all LIES! John and I muddled through 14 long months with brief naps here and there, taking turns to go to work, switch off at night, then get up to do it all over again. It was very difficult to imagine doing it all over again, and this time knowing that the world didn't stop with lack of sleep and that Thomas wouldn't slow down for sleep deprivation. And now, it is like we have been granted a huge blessing with Cooper, a little boy that has no reflux that keeps him up at night, a baby who seems like his little stomach actually keeps the acids inside instead of boiling over into his throat. John and I wake up each morning, a look passing between, the "look". Did he do it? What is the magic number? It is the most amazing thing. We're pretty thrilled and enough so that I'm going to look back years from now, see multiple entries of this amazing sleep thing, and smile.
Cooper is smiling a lot these days, and now more often than not without it being attached to poo-ing, peeing on me or gas. He loves his diaper changes where he is naked to kick and squirm his chubby little legs, endures his bathtime without complaint and enjoys cuddling and mashing his face against mine at naptime. He also prefers to sleep in his swing at high speed, a development I'm cautiously watching. My mother says "why not?" I remind her that it is not all that easy to take a full set up swing on trips, on vacation, on an airplane, etc. I'm not big on Coop needing a swing to sleep through his naps. Easy and convenient at home when we're trying to keep up with Thomas, not so great for other things.
Thomas is pretty funny these days. When I am distracted from him, his volume kicks up with whatever he is doing. Everything turns full speed, whether it be his singing, the tv cranked up, the repeated requests at increasing volume, or whatever he can do to get back my attention. He wants his friends to come over and asks for them all day long, then hordes his toys from Isaac and seems to believe that if they touch, they take, and he's having none of it. That makes for a lot of work for the Jenny and I running interference between them to keep from too many tears clouding the entire visit. The other day Thomas almost launched Cooper out of his bouncy seat, then frantically stood guard over him, pushing Isaac and Madeline away from Cooper when they got too close for a peek. "No, no no! He's very fragile. He's very fragile," he called, his arms flapping around Cooper in an effort to keep them away. It was quite amusing to see that he was just as protective of his John Deeres as he was with his brother.
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