For the last two weeks or so Cooper has been crawling around and around, basically wherever we're at in that moment. In the last two days, he's taken to doing some exploring on his own, including little ventures out from the living room into the kitchen and even out the double doors to the stairway. He's SO not content to sit and play anymore. The chase is on!
Today, John saw him quickly bolting for the open door leading upstairs, then watched him (very closely) climb up three steps. Oh, let the joys begin!
Cooper is traversing the couches and getting more confident holding onto something with one hand and turning just a bit to let the other hand free to wave and bounce around in delight. He also has started to making grunting and growling noises, particularly when he's excited about something or wants something. Unlike Thomas, everything is into his mouth, which is difficult now with all the tiny Lego pieces everywhere around this house. With Thomas my biggest challenge was to keep him from drowning in the lake. With Cooper I have to not only keep him from drowning, but keep those blastest Legos out of his mouth as well.
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