Cooper continues to be an absolute delight! He has mastered walking ( a bit wobbly and stiff at times, but around objects, in circles, etc.), and now can be found "bounding" around as we hold our breath. He clearly wants to run like his big brother. He loves to chase Thomas around, and now enjoys laughing and squealing through the house in chases with all of us. He loves to wrestle, loves to race for the toilet when someone forgets the door, and will squeal with delight if he makes it all the way in. Of course, that same enthusiasm is in full force if you pull him away, including back arching and cries of intense distress. He continues to put everything into his mouth, including legos, rocks, old food, dirt, sand, and chunks of our flesh, should we let him get to our skin. He loves to rummage through the fridge, delighting in anything he can fling out, and crawls into the dishwasher to fling things here and there. There is a big box of party supplies from the Nascar party that he crawls into and trashes through. He's into climbing now, not only into the fridge and dishwasher, but up onto the ottoman, couches, and toys big enough to fit his body, or so he thinks. He wakes up happy and has quite the range of sounds and chatter that fill the house most of the day. His tongue looks like it may actually heal up better than we thought as of a few days ago, and we think the lump from his flap may actually be molding more to the main part of his tongue. Speech issues, drooling, playing with the tongue and a deformity have all weighed on my mind lately. He enjoys playing games with peek-a-boo and This Little Mouse, and you can see his mind just trying to figure it all out. Grandma got him playing a game on the bed with her, and it's so sweet to see him develop these little games that he enjoys. With all the company we've had with cousins and friends, he's had a great time with all the attention, and seems to really enjoy the excitement and activity. He loves to cuddle on the couch and watch BunnyTown for moments here and there, and still laughs and gets all excited when Jack's Big Music Show is on. He cries and cries if he's left out of outings outside or upstairs, and when allowed outside finds complete enjoyment playing with his old car seat, playing with the straps, checking out the toys strewn about and finding his way back to the water buckets. The other day I had to pull him out of the hot water bucket as his lips were purple from the cold. He could care less how cold it was outside and was mighty displeased when I hussled him back inside to warm up. It will be very interesting watching these two boys as we get nearer to warm weather and fun times outside.
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