Today our little boy turned two! How can this be? He's two?
Our little curly top is growing into such a little boy, talking more and more, trying to be "big" just like his big brother. We all get such a kick out of watching him. He's quite the little entertainer, hopping, shuffling and dancing his way through the house. He's really starting to like to cuddle, and mornings and late evenings can usually find him cuddled up with his best friend, "Da-Da". He's always calling for Da-Da, following him around, pulling on him to get what he wants, where he wants. His other best friend is Jenny, and he races through the house squealing with delight when he spies her through the window or hears her voice from outside. He's quick to throw his arms around her and grant her a kiss, and the other day went on a "date" with her to get iced tea. He walked around and around saying "date", "date" over and over. He was so thrilled to be invited to ride with her to Dairy Queen for treats. He's easy to watch around the yard, fairly content to sit and play with his Kozy Koop, or play down on the beach. It's so great to not have to be constantly chasing him out of the water all the time. Of course, he LOVES to be outside working with grandpa, and when grandpa is mowing, it's so cute watching him out "working" too, following grandpa with his mower or the wheelbarrow, around and around the yard they go!
Today we spent a lot of time playing with our buds, the Lawrences. Sophia's 10th birthday was yesterday, but we saved presents until today, which was fun. Coop loved his wooden tool box and bug kit, too. This afternoon, Katelyn came over to celebrate, as did Rhonda. Coop slept a lot this afternoon, and John, Tommy and myself joined in for a nap as well. We would have slept through the party had I not set the alarm at the last minutes, and it was a scramble to get ready for the party. In the end, I had to wake Coop up, and when I took him up the stairs, his face suddenly came to life as the friends began cheering for him, clapping and singing to him. It was as if he was suddenly realizing what all this talk about his "party" really meant, and it was so adorable to see him get into it all. We had a lot of fun opening presents, playing with the new bubble kits, and then making a fire down at the beach. It was great weather and a perfect day for a birthday celebration.
Cooper, you are such a beautiful joy to us. We can't imagine what our lives would be like without the happiness and absolute delight you take from each day, and the laughter that you share with us. We love you so much, little bug. You have my entire heart!
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