Tommy woke me up this morning by crawling into bed and snuggling with me. Cooper pulled me out of bed yelling for daddy. Quickly calculating in my head that I'd been the one with more sleep, I crawled out of bed to get him and let John sleep.
At one point, Cooper said, "I need to tell daddy Happy Modders Day, Mama."
"No, Coop," I replied, shuffling to the coffee pot.
"Ahhh. But I need to," he cried, inching towards the bedroom.
"Coop. No, baby. It's Mother's Day and I'm your mother. You need to wish me the Happy Mother's Day."
"Ahhh..."he whined, crawling back up onto the couch all dejected.
Tommy came up, wrapped his arms around me and wished me a Happy Mother's Day.
While still at the coffee pot, Coop came back up to me. "Happy Modders Day, Mama."
Bless his heart. That is all I needed today. My two boys. My coffee. The sunshine out. Perfect.
While John was sleeping, I decided to go get breakfast out. I wanted a particular muffin from a coffee shop downtown. Cooper wanted sausage and Tommy wanted hashbrowns. I needed to try to get a gift for Grandma Lil before going home, too. We stopped at Avalino first. It was so peaceful downtown. When Tommy started to whine about not wanting to go in for the muffin, I asked him to enjoy the beautiful morning we had...and the fact that I would appreciate him not whining on Mother's Day when all I wanted was a muffin. Coop then decided he wanted a bagel. Then we hit up McDonald's for hashbrowns and sausage. When at the Garden Spot looking for Lil, I realized I didn't have my credit card on me. So much for a Mother's Day gift this morning. Once back at home, we spent the day enjoying the beautiful sunshine out on the beach. It was a great day together!
My gifts? Tommy brought home a plant with a seed in it that Teacher Kathy had them put together. Cooper got mad at Tommy two days ago and hucked the pot across the grass.
Tommy brought home a bag with a gift in it. While he was throwing a fit about a Lego, Cooper ripped open the present and showed me the gift. Tommy cried even harder.
See the pattern here?
I bought myself a new jacket on an outing to the concert the other night. I love my gifts, boys!
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