Today we left Bellingham and traveled over the pass to visit the family and celebrate Jake's 2nd birthday. Next week is looking very busy with a concert on Friday night up in Canada and Halloween activities, so we pushed it up a week. The pass was beautiful and Thomas had a great ride over, playing with his toys, reading his books on tractors and sleeping. We didn't need to make a stop until we got into Union Gap, where John stopped for Teriyaki while we waited for the family to catch up to us. I decided to wait to eat when we got into Toppenish, because I thought it safer to eat burgers at Pioneer Kitchen than eat Teriyaki in Yakima. I'm not too sure about Teriyaki in Yakima. Never had Teriyaki in Yakima before. Burgers...yes. Mexican food...yes. But Teriyaki?!!! I didn't want to have to visit the port-a-potty too many times out at Shell Farms, so I passed!
Turns out, the food was excellent! So was the little side trip down memory lane in downtown Toppenish. My, it was almost as if ghosts were walking around town. Very strange to visit your old stomping grounds and remember the old days. I was pretty darn close to the street where I'd take the old green bomb, full of friends, at high speeds, down the road and over a huge bump, and literally have that car flying. How I managed to not kill us all or end up in jail for all sorts of charges...I'll never know!
We had a great time out at Shell Farms, then traveled back home. We were all very tired. The boys had so much fun together. And my buddy, Drew, was indeed able to show me how to ride his bike without training wheels. He'd been so sad about breaking his arm and not being able to show me, but he was able to, cast and all, and I was so proud of him. He is such a ham, and so fun to be with. I even caught mom toodling around on my old bike that Drew found in the bushes and cleaned up. Now, wonders never cease. Flat tire and all! We celebrated Jake with a Thomas party set up that Andrea had put together, opened presents and had lime jello, a layer bar cake, cupcakes and other indulgences. They never fail to fatten me up when I come home, that's for sure. Jake and Thomas get along well, and Jake is so very sweet to Thomas. He'll just walk right up to him and try to hug and kiss on him. Oh, almost forgot to mention the puppy that Mom and Andrea saved out on the road. It's a boxer, but she's paralized in the hind legs, so she has to drag herself around. Beautiful little thing, but we're all hoping her spinal injury continues to heal and she can regain some of her feeling.
Sunday found me extremely lazy, and I'm thankful mom, dad and Andrea love me enough to let me kick back, eat and let them handle Thomas. I am so lucky to have them put up with me, as I literally sat my booty down in front of the heater or crashed out on the cough watching the Seahawks. It was bliss, but now I realize I totally neglected my nephews in my stupor. I'll have to make it up to the little guys when I go back for the new baby's arrival. I'm sure Drew planned much more for our weekend than me just hanging out, and I know it's getting harder for him that I live so far away. I have to try to remember that when I'm with him, because I tend to take advantage of our time together and not spend as much quality time with him. I kick myself now.....
Enjoy the pictures of the little guys from this weekend. We had a great time!
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