It appears that John and Brad have recovered from their marathon with no residual effects, although Erica and I report some slight calf tightness from our trek around the city looking for coffee. (Hmmmmm......)
Thomas has entered another interesting phase. He is big into trains, but is utterly frustrated whenever the slightest derailment takes place, whether it be a wheel moves off the track, a track isn't in perfect position, or the trains don't move down the track in the exact way Thomas wants it to. John pulled the trains out of his room for about a day, as we quickly tired of hearing Thomas throw a fit and hurl toys around in frustration. Now John is making a train table in an attempt to help Thomas move around easier, and we trust as Thomas figures it all out he will be less frustrated when the little stuff doesn't work as he sees it should. It has been very disconcerting to see our sweet little boy pound his train down, on whatever surface is closest, in a fit of anger. When we try to pull him away and distract him with another toy, explaining he might have more fun if he moved on to something else for awhile, that draws an even bigger fit of sobbing and tears. Oh, the highs and lows of an emotional toddler. I enjoy the quieter moments of reading books, looking through out pictures on the computer, and going through our stacks of flashcards.
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