We headed up to Jodi's house this morning for Saturday Easter Egg hunt. Punkie and Gene stuffed over 200 eggs with candy and hid them at various levels of"findability" for the six kids. It was a blast watching the kids all get into it, despite Lauren and Thomas needing a few moments to figure out what the mad dash out of the house really meant. It was really fun to have the kids all searching for all those eggs, and watching them pick up their eggs that were falling out of too full baskets. We didn't search for eggs last year, so this was a real treat to watch him climbing around the yard shoveling eggs into the basket Nana gave him for Easter. He's all about the candy, too. I thought he was taking after his dad for a sweet tooth, but watching the chocolate colored drool hanging out of his mouth, I think he's taken more after me and my chocolate addiction than his father's sweet tooth.
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