Last night was the first time he's had a bloody nose. He woke up during the middle of the night and John went to him. When I went to get him back up in the morning, I noticed his nose was all crusty. I figure he woke up in the night due to the bloody nose and in the dark John didn't notice.
Thomas is counting to 8 these days. He can count over 10 but rarely. Usually he gets distracted by 8. It would be too much for me to expect ol' Thomas to hold his attention for longer than an 8 count I guess.
Thomas is starting to try to sing nursery rhymes like Row Row Row Your Boat and the Bumble Bee song, but enjoys dancing and entertaining us more.
He'll chose what he wants to listen to know while riding in the car. He'll either chose Kenny, Dierks, Rascals (Rascal Flatts) kids music, or a DVD. He's also getting good at telling the difference between a Dierks and Kenny song. Now, normally this should just be wrong. But with him, it's just too cute!
Thomas told me the other night he didn't want to sleep with his fan on. He's never known a night without the fan on, so it was very interesting to hear him say, "Mommy, fan off, fan off nigh-nigh." and "Better" after I turned it off. It's a bit of a pain without the fan on, as I had to adjust the tv and kitchen noise, but good that he's chosing what he wants.
Thomas has decided he doesn't like bathtime anymore. His whole body is one tickle-fest. Not only does he think his head is off limits for touching, but so is his entire body, I guess. Oh, brother!
Thomas' bedtime routine now consists of a sippy cup of orange juice and a hot water bottle, followed by a story by Daddy and rocking by Mommy. Thomas loves to cuddle with his menagerie in his crib, including his monkey Louie, his monkey George, his new Easter monkey Larry, his singing monkey, a half monkey/half jaguar Charlie, his red Chinese monkey Chopsticks and his doggie, thrown in there for good measure.
Thomas is 36 1/2 inches tall and 29 pounds, and, if we believe growth charts, is projected to be 6'2" by the time he's 18 based on his current height, his father's height and my height.
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