Well, Thomas held true to form-always get sick at Whistler! Except that this time he prepared for Whistler by getting hideously sick the night before we were to leave. But for his 1st trip to Whistler/Nature's Door at six weeks old, Thomas has gotten sick every time we've been there, so it should have not been such a surprise to us that he woke up Friday morning complaining of a tummy ache. By mid morning John reported the biggest blowout he's ever seen, and by 2 in the morning, I was bracing Thomas by his hips and arms as he learned the fine art of throwing up over and into a bucket or onto a white towel for aim practice. You see, up until this point Thomas has simply launched onto me. At least we have made some progress with him, but what a way to go, huh! By 5 am, Thomas' guts had given up and I hauled myself off the floor in his room and crashed into bed. We all slept until 9, trying to determine if the trip was still possible. What a decision! After lining the backseat with vomit-catching towels and keeping a bucket handy, we took off, hoping that the worst had passed. And the Lord did answer prayer. We had a fabulous trip and lots of sleep!
We stayed at the Pemberton Valley Lodge, which was in a beautiful canyon 20 min East of Whistler, and we enjoyed numerous trips into the Village for play and food, as well as drives through the town of Pemberton. I think the best part was the time to just hang out, listen to music and watch Dora, enjoy quiet drives back and forth, relax and play in the pool with no agenda. Thomas was a great traveler, although each night he asked to go home, saying, "Mommy, want my crib, want my home now!" I had to remind him each time that we had adventures waiting for us, and that all was well with our hotel room. He had a great time entertaining the folks in the pool area, and one particular gentleman seemed to get a kick out of him, calling him the "Blonde Bomber" on several occasions as Thomas launched himself time and again into the pool. While out for day two of McDonald's breakfast from the OK Corral-like themed building, John reported back that Thomas took a running jump into the pool-without his lifejacket. Thankfully John was not far behind to scoop him up, and remind him that he still can't float
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