Today we decided to go up at the last minute, based on the weather and Thomas' sunny disposition. I had the bright idea to catch the "1st Annual Opening Parade" and what a STUPID idea that turned out to be. Now, before I totally trash myself, I have to point out that I was not the brilliant board that decided to shut down at least three key gates into the fair on the same day that they were trying out a new (and extremely slow) computer system, on the SAME day that they advertised for a fabulous grand opening parade!!!!! Thomas and I gave up waiting for the parade to start after waiting on a street corner for 20 minutes, and we headed for the main entrance, having found that the side entrance was blocked off. While we waited in the front entrance line that wrapped around the block, we were fortunate to catch the "amazing" parade...complete with approximately 6 wagon teams of Clydesdales and a handful of ponies! You've GOT to be kidding me? We waited in 80 degree temps for THAT??!!! In total, we waited 1 hour and 7 minutes to get through the gates, and by that time it was time for Thomas to take a nap. I pushed him through, bought a wristband for rides, and hurried him along to get in line yet again. Within minutes, ride by ride, the power went out at the kiddie section. Before I unloaded and embarrassed myself infront of my son, I pretended that waiting in lines was our outing for the day and we hustled out of the crowds, who were all milling around like cows waiting for their feed (aka-the power to go back and the rides to start up again). By the time we made it back to the car someone was exhausted, drenched in sweat, cranky, hungry and thoroughly annoyed, and it wasn't Thomas. Thomas just went along for the ride, content just to be my buddy for the morning.
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