Thomas has been sick the last week and missed both days of playgroup this week. With what we don't know, but after a day of complaining that his underarm hurt, Bruce checked him out only to find grape size nodes under his arms and a fever. We'd already spent 4 nights up and down with him during the night due to his bad cold and unrelenting cough, leading me to believe we might as well have this baby now as we're sleepless anyway. With the new development we knew he was a sick little boy and it's taken most of the week to get him back on his feet, although his nose is still running like a faucet. Bruce and Lil have left for their abbreviated cruise (it had a cleaning after an outbreak of Norwalk Virus on it) and John and I have juggled our schedules to be at home to watch Thomas. At the same time, I started having a lot of cramping and back ache, which was uncomfortable and borderline painful for several straight days, only adding to the stress of interrupted sleep at night. With Thomas getting up and coming into our room at night, me trying to sleep either in the boat bed or on the floor in our room, the baby being awake for long chunks of time during the middle of the night, and now all the cramping, I'm really starting to feel the strain. I'm trying to keep positive about it all, but I've shed some tears through it all. John is shouldering the majority of the playtime with Thomas, and in itself that is a fulltime job. He loves to pretend, play upstairs, go up the park, build GeoTrax, play outside and take long tubbies outside-all with the constant interaction of mom or dad. You're either his best friend or you're not, and on any given night he'll decide who he favors and tell the other one to leave. He's had several little conversations about that and how that makes us feel, as well as more than one time where he's had to apologize. I can't believe I've been kicked out of the bedroom of my not-yet three year old, but it's happened! The saying, "I gave birth to you...." has entered my mind more than once with his newfound quest for independence.
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