Today we woke up to singing birthday songs and talking Tommy's day up for celebration. It's amazing to think that he's been a part of our lives for three years now. How time flies! We got a kick out of our clear memories of Tommy's first birthday, themed Wags the Dog. This morning I took cupcakes to preschool, although I wasn't sure they would be allowed as there is a no cupcake policy during snack time. I had seen another mom bring them in for a birthday and another mom bring in cookies, another no-no for preschool snack, so I figured that I'd take them for the special occasion with a back up snack just in case. This being my first snack day, I was apprehensive as it was but it was exacerbated by my worry about the cupcakes. When we got there, though, Teacher Dana quickly approved and went about eagerly mentioning his birthday throughout the morning. At snack time all the kids thanked us for bringing in the special treat and wished him a happy birthday. I think the cupcakes, frozen go-gurts and Goldfish were good choices, as I saw most of the kids inhaling them all up.
Tommy had a great preschool morning, too. Within minutes I told Tommy I had to go out and get snack and stop by the office, and he only gave the briefest pauses before going back to his playdough project. The other mother helper quickly engaged him in conversation about their creations, so I slipped out. When I returned, I peeked in, and finding him still going strong, I kept quiet watch in the hallway. Teacher Dana advised me to sit in the other room and kick my feet up, just to pass the time and see how long we could get out of him today, as he was doing so well. He made it at least 45 minutes, only asking for me twice and both times being consoled by Teacher Dana and going back to his work. At transistion to circle time I quickly came in and checked in, then encouraged him to go to circle time while I set up snack in the other room. He went without a hint of tears and I didn't hear from him again until hand washing time, which meant he went to Chapel without me, too. Teacher Dana reported that he asked for me when they were lining up, but she reminded him that I was setting up snack, and he quickly got in line and went on his own. It was a great morning and I was very proud of him.
This afternoon we took a nap to refresh ourselves after playing with the Lawrences and then hurried out to Haggen to pick up his birthday cake and get to Red Robin to see Daddy. I had sent John out to find additional presents on his breaks from work, and he was able to find the last minute front end loader for Thomas that we thought he'd like. Red Robin dinner was fun and afterwards we gathered at home to open presents and eat cake and ice cream. It was a lot of fun watching him enjoy his new wooden bike and front end loader, as well as the candles and cake. A nice way to end a full day of birthday fun!
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