Our little Cooper...what a dear little boy he is. We're finally seeing the little personality start to kickstart, and my calm, cool Cooper is no longer. Now he is motoring around the house in his walker, jumping around in his Johnnie Jumper and flipping over and over onto his stomach. Of course, once there, that is no longer what he wants. He doesn't want to be down on his back anymore, prefering instead to practice his stomach crunches until I take pity on him and get him up and moving again. I can get a quick shower in with him in his vibrating bouncy seat, but only if he's got a ton of toys around him in which to chew on and then promptly throw away. He does take his pacifier now, but just as often has his thumb in his mouth knawing away like a little beaver. He continues his catnapping during the day, but even with quick naps, he is quick to spend his time smiling and babbling with various chew toys in his mouth. He loves to pull me in close and tight for juicy, slobbery kisses and smiles and giggles when I sing "Who's that Dog"," Wheels on the Bus" and "This little Mouse". He loves to be with Tommy, and his eyes follow his antics everywhere, darting this way and that to keep up on all the action. This can be a troublesome thing, though, as Thomas has developed a tendency to growl, grunt and stomp his frustrations at the littlest provocation. We keep assuring Cooper that this is not the way to act. Cooper also likes to watch Jack's Big Music show and football. Poor little dear won't get the option of not viewing tv until much older the way we shielded Thomas. Such is the life of a second child I guess. At the same time, Thomas didn't get to go to preschool and hang out with the "big kids" like Cooper is, so hopefully it will all work itself out in the end!
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