It has been such a quick transition. There were about four days in which Tommy cried a bit as I walked out the door and hurried off. Teacher Dana was quick and very loving, taking him into her arms, loving on him and getting him interested in something else. And just like that, the other day, he was so engaged in what he was doing in the classroom that when I told him I had to leave, he barely gave me a parting glance. It took me a moment to actually walk through the door, as I was expecting the typical deluge of tears and such. I realized it was not happening and hurried out, somehow expecting the roof to fall in on me. Now each day he reports that school was super fun. My heart just swells. At the same time, this little boy of mine has turned into my best buddy, and he is quick to come in for a cuddle, a smooch and a "I love you, Mama." Each and every night he wants to cuddle in my bed, and now I find myself fighting for time with my heating pad. He is Cooper's best friend one minute, then barking at him the next. "He scratched me!" he yells. "He hit me!" he'll call from the backseat. "Ow!" he cries, when he's gotten in too close to Cooper's reach and finds his hair pulled with exuberance from a grinning and delighted Coop. In their own way they can play together, when Thomas climbs in to Coop's crib and nuzzles and bring toys, when they're in the tub tussling for toys floating in the water. Thomas wants to do everything by himself. He wants to do all the coffee making, the toilet flushing, the laundry (which is only fun if he gets to do the water, the soap and the throwing!), and the eating. He is learning to talk the talk of football and finally learning to throw overhand instead of all crazy-like. He wants to do his Gone Fishing dances upstairs to an audience and tells us when to clap and cheer for him. Playtime consists of us doing his bidding, moving cars exactly where he wants them and saying exactly what he wants you to say. Legos with dad, toys and books with Grandma, shop activities with Grandpa and trip with mom...it's all a big adventure for him. It's not the easiest time, raising a strong willed three and a half year old, but certainly entertaining, to say the least.
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