This is such an amazing photo to us, not in that it's unusual in any way, but that our baby looks so big and grown up. Naked and streaking through the house he still looks all little and cuddly. Here he looks so much like a boy. Thomas has finally decided that he wants to go poo on his potty, but that has brought with it a lot of cleaning on our end. As much as I longed for this day, it's much more of a learning process (and hygiene issue) than I planned on. He loves his brother-and he can't stand him as well. "Coopie, get out of here!" he'll yell, and slam the door to his room. "Coopie, Coopie", he'll say, as he's loving on him and wrestling with him on the bed. "I don't want you in here!" he'll yell, stomping his feet. Tonight he said to me, "Mama, will you watch Cooper and Daddy can take me up to Isaac's?" "You stay home. Just me and Daddy." "Just me and Daddy, got it?" For the last three nights he's taken to sleeping in his boat bed again, giving us a much needed break from three of us rotating between our bed and the mattress on the floor. Throw Cooper into the mix and it's still musical beds all throughout the night. Cooper tends to take the longest naps when he's put down on the floor bed. Go figure. I've suspected for a bit now that Cooper coming into the picture gave him some separation anxiety and then he took to being scared of the dark. Maybe now we've turned a corner.
Tommy is really enjoying preschool and comes home singing new songs and talking about what he's picking up. However, when asked how his day is, his usual response is "good" but nothing much more. He's really interested in reading now and wants to write letters, although he's still trying to figure out if he's left handed or right handed, which is making writing challenging. He's also really big into pretend, and likes to act out the things that he's doing or what he's seen. He's big into watching BunnyTown, so he wants to play BunnyTown in our room and assigns himself a bunny and us one as well. I came home from work to find crackers and crumbs all over the floor and in the floor bed. When I asked John about it, he told me that crackers are allowed in the beds of BunnyTown. I think that deserves the look of annoyance that was on my face. The other day he started gym again and our room transformed into a gym, with climbing boxes to jump from, added blankets and new positions to try and jumps to perform. He makes waterfalls in the sink, then strips naked to climb on in. He makes himself busy cooking (flour all over) and washing (soap and toothepaste cleaning the mirrors). The other day he jumped in the lake and began the ritual of outdoor tub time (37 degrees outside). A bit on the early side, but a great taste of summer days to come. He wants me to cuddle up with him to go to sleep, both at night and sometimes for nap, telling me stories big storms and tornadoes, and still enjoys the taste of a good cup of creamer with our coffee in the morning. Our runs to Starbucks are a favorite trip, as is Fi-llama burger, Thai food and Burger Me. He's still my great grocery trip buddy and I love our time together when we get to go. I'm still conflicted on sharing my time, though, and I pray that he never feels like I don't have enough time for him. Cooper is very demanding in ways, and I have to juggle the needs of both, and I just hope that I can still find the time to make "our" time special with him.
"Dad, you're annoying me," he says when John's humming a song on the way to the car. He has to be the one to grind the coffee and blend anything that needs to be blended. "Good job, Daddy!"
At bedtime, "Thomas, you're my treasure, baby." "But Mama, I'm not treasure." "But you're my treasure, the best kind of treasure." "But I'm not gold, I'm not golden." Thomas, if a pirate came in here right now and offered me all the treasure in the world, big, big piles of it, I still wouldn't give you up. You're the best kind of treasure ever and you'll always be my treasure." He didn't say anything after that, just snuggled closer and looped his arm around me tighter.
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