Today John and I both were able to witness Cooper first take three or four steps on his own, then again later in the day he pulled two off before dropping down to his steady and reliable crawl position. He also finds great delight in hustling off at high speed crawling to get to the toilet before we can catch him, and belly laughs when he gets his hands on the rim before we haul his bum out of there. He enjoys pulling all the laundry out of the dryer and scattering it, as well as the utensils in the dishwasher. Same with items in the fridge that he can handle and throw about. Now he actually crawls into the dishwasher to get into things, and whines and calls for us when he can't figure out how to get down. He loves to play chase with Tommy, loves to be with him, wrestle and play. In the morning, his face lights up when Tommy drags himself out of bed, and where Tommy is, so must Cooper. He is no dummy. He knows when we're sneaking upstairs or outside without him. He knows when the bath water starts up and screams a high pitched yell when he's not getting his way about any of this. Today he launched himself onto the coffee grinder that I had running on the floor in Tommy's room (it's too loud in the mornings when someone is sleeping so we do it in another room). Both boys love to get their hands on this machine, and Cooper was fully draped over it while it ground the coffee beans up. Coop enjoys eating big boy food these days, happily munching on whatever the rest of us are having, including meats and treats. It's so great to almost be out of the baby food stage. I'm thankful it's short lived and Cooper didn't really care for it to begin with.
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