Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Untitled by whippski
Untitled, a photo by whippski on Flickr.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Spring Updates

Time is flying by, and I realize that Facebook really has killed my blogging abilities. It just hasn't happened, and it's sad, because I will look back and wonder at all the amazing activities that we've missed. DId I blog Tommy's Mario Bros-themed party? Did I capture the wonder of my baby turning 4 with John Deere tractors? Have we updated that Bruce and John have taken the house and turned it inside out with total makeover inside? What about Coop completing Teacher Dana's 3 Day Preschool with a successful year? Tommy's amazing soccer season full of goals? Cooper starting, but not really going to t-ball? Coop's first playdate with Brayden? The stories and stories that Coop can tell? What about Cooper's Cowboy costume, Drywall costume, fireman costume, police officer costume, secret agent costume, football player costume, worker man costume, Indiana Jones costume? Did we tell all about those? Did we talk about how Tommy stood up in front of his school with a speaking role from his music class? Mr. Shy was totally game to get up there and speak to the crowd.
Double weekend trips to the farm? John's Ironman training, and on and on it goes. I can only hope that with this little blog today, the memories down the road will come rushing back. And hopefully I can pick up and do better from here.