Saturday, October 21, 2006

Scott Culberson's Surprise Party/Twins

Although I didn't know if I could make another trip down to Seattle in two days, we pressed on, hoping to help Scott celebrate his birthday with a surprise. It truly was a surprise when Erica, Brad and the two girls, as well as Thomas, John and I walked through the doors, only to find out that Scott had been complaining of having to wait at home for people coming over that he didn't even know. He wasn't thrilled about it, but that made the surprise even better. We had a great time meeting Helen and Julia, their three month old twins, and hanging out for dinner that Michelle put together. Amazing, as a dinner party with one baby would seem like a monumental task, let alone with twins. We stayed a lot longer than I thought we would, as I was feeling pretty good and the kids kept themselves busy, which made it more relaxing and enjoyable. I was truly happy that Michelle invited us down and very thankful we could enjoy the company of our friends.

Finding out the Pilot will not fit into Bellevue Square's Parking lots and garages.
Meeting the Twins, Helen and Julia
Surprising Scott who wanted to go climbing
Michelle's enchiladas
Good times with everyone

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