Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sledding at Mountain Baker

"Will we see "hot lah-bah from the vohlcaino?" he asked, more than once on the way up the mountain this morning. We set out with my "big adventure" plans of skiing with Tommy and hiking with Cooper, only to once again realize the best days are ones with no plans at all. It was blowing snow, essentially a blizzard up at the top. It proved too challenging for little Cooper to breathe in and within minutes of exiting the car in great excitement, Tommy wasn't too eager to continue with the snow blowing in his face and blowing down his coat and shirt. It took us a lot longer getting geared up outside the car than actual sledding time, and skiing was out of the question. Hiking at the top changed to hiking down to Nooksack Falls, which was spectacular in the winter snow and ice.
After gross cookies at Glacier and refuel with hot chocolate for Tommy, it was off to our usual Christmas tree cutting farm. I gave up my annual hunt for the perfect Christmas tree and agreed to hide out inside the heated shed while entrusting John and Tommy to the Christmas hunting. It was pretty easy to do, as Cooper was quite delighted with the huge Christmas tree inside, the ceiling fan whirling and the biggest Chow dog I've ever laid eyes on sitting like a big fat Santa's helper in the corner. It was a lot of fun to spend the day to other things besides tending sick kids and feeling like you're missing out on everything Christmas.

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