Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Tommy's Evening with the Lawrences

Tonight I had to rush off to take Cooper to the after hours clinic. I didn't want to take Thomas along, knowing all the germs that we'd be walking into, so I quickly called up Jenny to see if I could drop him off. It made sense, as Tommy and Isaac are all about being buddies right now, but I've yet to just drop him off like this, although Jenny has watched him before when he was little. A few tears fell until I pointed out all the fun things he could do with Isaac, and then he was practically begging to get out the door.
"You'll be right back, Mom?" he asked. "Yes, as soon as I get back from the doctors."
"You'll be really, really, really quick?"
"Yes, I'll be back real soon to pick you up, just like preschool."
Jenny met us out on the walk and he barely gave me a second glance as he bound up their steps.
My little man. I couldn't believe it as I drove away. It was so strange to just drive away, to leave him to play with his friends. Friends? He would rather be with his friend than drive to the doctor's with mom? He was fine and happy? He was safe without me? All the things he could do without me? Would he be kind? Would he be polite? Would he be too demanding? What about the potty? Would he miss me and cry? Would Jenny never want to watch him again? Was I wrong to feel some sense of relief that it was just Cooper and I heading to the doctor? That I only had to worry about one son while on this outing?
One more step. So many thoughts...and to think...someday he'll walk out my door and go away, get married. What will I do then?

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