Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Swim lessons Attempt #2

Today, due to the confusion with preschool times and swim lessons over lapping, I decided to give it another shot and see if he could make it through a private one on one lesson without needing a time out (how crazy is that!) We had to race from the parking lot at Catch the Son to the Y, stuffing some peanut butter and jelly down for energy, and it was a wild dash. He did fantastic, and it was clear that although he doesn't have the attention span to wait it out with his hand on the wall in a full class, he certainly can handle the lesson itself. It was great to see his instructor, Justin, teaching him to swim with his arm out and head in the water, and they spent a lot of time trying this out. This is new for Thomas and I was eager to see if he could progress from singing on the wall like at Bayside. He did a great job and was able to work with Justin "swimming" for the toy cars Justin allowed him to use and floating with assistance on his back, which was a great struggle for him at Bayside. After jumping time after time into the pool, which he loved, it was time to finish it up. No complaints from Thomas, and no time out warnings necessary. Justin was happy with how it went. On our way out, with an exhausted Thomas tugging at my hand, he looked up at me and said, "Mommy, that was awesome!" with a big, toothy grin on his face. That was all I needed to hear.

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