Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Birch Bay Waterslides

What a fun day we had today! I've been wanting to take Tommy up to experience the waterslides, but didn't know what to do about Cooper. He sure wouldn't enjoy himself. Mom provided the solution by agreeing to keep him, allowing me the freedom to take the boys, Tommy and Drew, up for a day outing together. (Mom, you are a lifesaver, and we wouldn't be able to do any of this without your willingness to watch the Coop for me!) Although a bit apprehensive about the unknowns of taking the boys alone without help, I was eager to get out and away from the routine of the lake. The boys were super excited about it, however much balking they did about the lather of sunscreen we gooped on them. The neighbors must tire of the endless screeching from Tommy's daily battles about sunscreen. I know I am.
We headed out, the boys talking non stop from the backseat. I thought they would talk to themselves a bit, but the conversation was peppered continually with questions for the aunt/mommy who they think has the answers to everything. Do I prefer Chevy or Toyota, Dodge or Ford? Why do tornadoes rip things up? How many people live in Bellingham? How many people live in Washington State? What are legos made of? How many Legos would you need to build a spaceship? Do they poop in space?.......
The park was great for the kids and they're perfect ages to enjoy the new pool area and kiddie section that Tommy camped out in. It was free for all in the kiddie section, with the parents who actually parent their kids trying to maintain some order among the kids who's parents were lounging somewhere in hiding from their kids for the day. I allowed Drew to go off to another big slide a few times, and tried to train my left eye to watch that slide while the right eye watched Tommy on the kiddie slides. It was quite mind numbing, but I have to say it was refreshing to not have one single whine or complaint the entire day. Seriously...the entire day! It was beautiful! On the way home we stopped for huge ice cream cones in an effort to keep Tommy awake, and then headed home to wait for John to get home from work. I pulled a Bear Grylls and built a small fire down on the beach, until Bruce took pity on my pathetically small campfire and brought down more wood. I thought I'd raid his shop for spare wood, but today it was totally clean and tidy. What I had left would probably roast a half a marshmellow. The boys thought I was cool, though, and that's all that counts. I scored big on the camp counselor points today and went to bed entirely exhausted from the work.
I don't have any pictures, as I figured riding the tubes and chasing the boys wouldn't be good for John's camera. So sad!

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